// 10: Super player+ commands //Displays/Hides Experience gained
showexp: 10
//Displays/Hides Zeny gained
showzeny: 10
// Spawns you to set points in major cities.
go: 10
// Enables/disables autolooting from killed mobs.
autoloot: 10
// Allows you continue vending offline.
autotrade: 10
at: 10
// Change Guild Master of your Guild
changegm: 10
// Change the leader of your party.
changeleader: 10
// Change the party item share rules.
partyoption: 10
// Command what the player's pet will say.
pettalk: 10
// Command what the player's homunculus will say.
homtalk: 10
// Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on the current map.
mobsearch: 10
// Locates and displays the position of a certain mob on your mini-map
showmobs: 10
// 20: Mediator commands
// Displays helpfile in Athena base directory (2 same commands).
help: 20
h: 20
help2: 20
h2: 20
// Warp yourself to a person (3 same commands + /shift).
jumpto: 20
goto: 20
warpto: 20
// Warp yourself to a person by PID (similar to above, cept you us the PID)
jumptoid: 20
jumptoid2: 20
gotoid: 20
gotoid2: 20
warptoid: 20
warptoid2: 20
// Displays the motd file to all players
gmotd: 20
// follow a player (including warping to them)
follow: 20
// Sends a request to all connected GMs (via the gm whisper system)
request: 20
// Disconnects a user from the server (1 command + right click menu for GM "(name) force to quit").
kick: 20
// Disconnects a user from the server using their PID.
kickid: 20
kickid2: 20
// Changes your apperance.
model: 20
// To get a peco to (un)ride
mountpeco: 20
// Returns list of logged in characters with their position (2 same commands).
who: 20
whois: 20
// Returns list of logged in characters with their job.
who2: 20
// Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild.
who3: 20
// Returns list of logged in characters with their position in a specifical map.
whomap: 20
// Returns list of logged in characters with their job in a specifical map.
whomap2: 20
// Returns list of logged in characters with their party/guild in a specifical map.
whomap3: 20
// Like @who+@who2+who3, but only for GM.
whogm: 20
// Displays a sorted list of the ammount of zeny each conected player has at hand.
whozeny: 20
// Change your appearence to other players to a mob.
disguise: 20
//Restore your normal appearance.
undisguise: 20
// Display ignore list of a player (people from which the player ignore wisps)
charignorelist: 20
// Displays the text as a normal message with the format "*name message*"
// instead of "name : message" (Like the /me command in IRC)
me: 20
// Changes your name to your choice temporarly.
fakename: 20
// Changes your size.
size: 20
// Can command what other npcs (by name) can say.
npctalk: 20
// 40: Sub-GM commands
// Broadcast to the whole server. Using (1 command + /nb, /b).
broadcast: 40
// Broadcast to the map you are on (1 command + /lb, /nlb).
localbroadcast: 40
// Broadcast (with or without name)
kami: 40
// Same as kami but with blue color
kamib: 40
// Same as kami but you can choose the color (uses different packet)
kamic: 40
// Enables GVG on a map (2 same commands).
gvgon: 40
gpvpon: 40
// Turns GVG (Guild v. Guild) off on a map (2 same commands).
gvgoff: 40
gpvpoff: 40
// Heals a person to full HP/SP.
heal: 40
// GM Hide (enables you to be invisible to characters, and most monsters) (1 command + /hide).
hide: 40
// Changes your job to one you specify (2 same commands).
job: 40
jobchange: 40
// Enables you to to jump randomly on a map (that you are already on).
jump: 40
// Warps you to your last save point (2 same commands).
return: 40
load: 40
// Warps you to a specific npc
tonpc: 40
// Enables lost skills.
lostskill: 40
// Saves a warp point.
memo: 40
// Set your character display options. (Visual effects of your character)
option: 40
// Search the pet db for matching entries
petid: 40
// Sets the level of intemecy of your pet.
petfriendly: 40
// Sets hunger level of your pet.
pethungry: 40
// Turns PVP (Person v. Person) off on a map.
pvpoff: 40
// Enables PVP on a map.
pvpon: 40
// Enables platinum skills.
questskill: 40
// Sets the speed you can walk/attack at. Default is 150.
speed: 40
charspeed: 40
// Enables spirit sphere balls.
spiritball: 40
// Warp yourself to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates (2 same commands).
mapmove: 40 // (also /mm or /mapmove)
rura: 40
warp: 40
// Changes GM clothes color (2 same commands)
dye: 40
ccolor: 40
// Changes GM hair style (2 same commands)
hairstyle: 40
hstyle: 40
// Changes GM hair color (2 same commands)
haircolor: 40
hcolor: 40
// Deletes all your items.
itemreset: 40
// Does a skill/stat reset.
reset: 40
// Displays distribution of players on the server per map (% on each map which has players)
users: 40
// Deletes floor items in your range of sight
cleanmap: 40
// Kill all monsters in map (without drops)
killmonster2: 40
// Sets your spawn point (aka save point).
save: 40
// Do some visual effect on your character
effect: 40
// Display all items of a player's cart
charcartlist: 40
// GM's magnifier
identify: 40
// drop all your items
dropall: 40
// store all your items
storeall: 40
// allow other players to hit you out of pvp
killable: 40
// look up a skill by name
skillid: 40
// use a skill by id
useskill: 40
// What skills are required to get this skill
skilltree: 40
// Marriage commands
marry: 40
divorce: 40
// Adopt a novice into a family
adopt: 40
// make another player killable
charkillable: 40
// Same as above, cept uses PID.
charkillableid: 40
charkillableid2: 40
// Play a Sound!
sound: 40// 50: Sub-GM+ commands
guild: 50
// Brings up your guild storage wherever you are.
gstorage: 50
// To get a peco to (un)ride for another player.
charmountpeco: 50
// Spawns a monster, and a certain amount (2 same commands + /monster).
monster: 50
spawn: 50
// Spawns a smaller sized version of a monster.
monstersmall: 50
// Spawns a larger sized version of a monster.
monsterbig: 50
// Spawns mobs that treat you as their master (they disappear after some time)
summon: 50
// It will spawn a supportive clone of the given player.
clone: 50
// It will spawn a supportive clone of the given player that follows the creator around.
slaveclone: 50
// It will spawn an aggresive clone of the given player.
evilclone: 50
Добавлено (2007-04-15, 11:27 Pm)
// 60: GM commands
// Starts Guild Wars
agitstart: 60
// Ends Guild Wars
agitend: 60
// Resurects yourself.
alive: 60
// Levels your character to specified level (adds to your level) (3 same commands).
lvup: 60
baselvlup: 60
blevel: 60
// Raises your job level (3 same commands).
joblvup: 60
joblvlup: 60
jlevel: 60
// Changes the sex of yourself
changesex: 60
// Remove items from a character
chardelitem: 60
// Saves the respawn point of another character.
charsave: 60
// Levels your guild to specified level (2 same commands).
guildlvup: 60
guildlvlup: 60
idsearch: 60
// Creates an item of your choosing, either Item ID or Name (1 command + /item).
item: 60
// Creates a complet item (card, etc...) of your choosing, either Item ID or Name.
item2: 60
// Kill another character without hitting them.
kill: 60
// Same as above, cept uses PID.
killid: 60
killid2: 60
// Kill all monsters in map (with drops)
killmonster: 60
// Creates yourself a pet egg, have to use Pet ID.
makeegg: 60
// Hatches an egg
hatch: 60
// Instantly kills player whose name is entered and deals insane damage to everything around
nuke: 60
// Enable hitting a player even when not in pvp
killer: 60
// Creates weapon of desired element.
produce: 60
// Warps a character to you (1 command + /recall).
recall: 60
// Warps a character to you using their PID.
recallid: 60
recallid2: 60
// Refines all weapons in your items list.
refine: 60
// Will repair all broken items in inventory.
repairall: 60
// Revives a character, and heals them.
revive: 60
// Same as above, cept uses PID.
reviveid: 60
reviveid2: 60
// Warp another person to a certain map, at (x,y) coordinates (2 same commands).
charwarp: 60
// Change Status of your character
str: 60
agi: 60
vit: 60
int: 60
dex: 60
luk: 60
// Gets all skills (4 same commands)
allskill: 60
allskills: 60
skillall: 60
skillsall: 60
// sets GM stats to maximum (4 same commands)
statall: 60
statsall: 60
allstats: 60
allstat: 60
// Gives you job points.
stpoint: 60
// Gives you skill points of desired amount.
skpoint: 60
// Warps all online character of a guild to you. (at least one member of that guild must be on.)
guildrecall: 60
// Warps all online character of a party to you. (at least one party member must be online.)
partyrecall: 60
// Allows you to spy on any Guilds Guild chat. (at least one member of that guild must be on.)
// NOTE: map server needs to be configured to enable spying to use this command (enable_spy: yes)
guildspy: 60
//Allows you to spy on any party's party chat. (at least one party member must be online.)
// NOTE: map server needs to be configured to enable spying to use this command (enable_spy: yes)
partyspy: 60
// Gives you money (zeny) of desired amount.
zeny: 60
// To block definitively a player (only administrator can unblock the account) (2 same commands)
block: 60
charblock: 60
// To unblock a player (2 same commands)
unblock: 60
charunblock: 60
// To ban a player for a limited time (only administrator can unban the account) (4 same commands)
ban: 60
banish: 60
charban: 60
charbanish: 60
// To unban a player (4 same commands)
unban: 60
unbanish: 60
charunban: 60
charunbanish: 60
// To send specified character in jails
jail: 60
// To discharge a prisoner (2 same commands)
unjail: 60
discharge: 60
// Timed jailing
jailfor: 60
//Displays remaining jail time
charjailtime: 60
// To change disguise of another player/GM
chardisguise: 60
charundisguise: 60
// Create a static warp portal that lasts until the next reboot
addwarp: 60
// drop a players possessions on the gruond
chardropall: 60
// put a players possessions in storage
charstoreall: 60
// open a trade window with any player
trade: 60
// changes the player's appearance (headgear)
changelook: 60
// Homunculus commands for gms
homlvup: 60
homevolution: 60
makehomun: 60
homfriendly: 60
homhungry: 60
// Re-calculates stats, as if the homun was sent back to level 1 and re-leveled
homshuffle: 60
это на других чаров
//Rename another character's pet
petrename: 50
//Make another character's pet friendly/not
petfriendly: 50
// Changes character's model
model: 50
//Apply a certain option to another character
option: 60
//Save another character
save: 60
//Performs a stat and skill reset on someone else
reset: 60
//Give another character spiritball effect
spiritball: 60
//Give another character an item
item: 60
//Change another character's job (2 same commands)
job: 60
jobchange: 60
//Give another character zeny
zeny: 60
//Change another character's base level (3 same commands)
baselvl: 60
blvl: 60
baselvlup: 60
//Change another character's job level (3 same commands)
joblvl: 60
jlvl: 60
joblvlup: 60
//Give another character a platinum skill
questskill: 60
//Take away a character's platinum skill
lostskill: 60
// Resets another character's status, skills
streset: 60
skreset: 60
// Gives another character status points
stpoint: 60
// Gives another character skill points
skpoint: 60
// Changes the sex of an online player (all characters on the account)
changesex: 60
// Warp a player somewhere else (3 same commands)
warp: 60
rura: 60
rura+: 60
//Resets another character's designated maps
feelreset: 60
// 80: GM Chief commands
// Set the map you are on to day.
day: 80
// Kills everyone on the server.
doom: 80
// Kills everyone on the map you are on.
doommap: 80
// Set the map you are currently on to night.
night: 80
// Recalls Everyone To Your Coordinates
recallall: 80
// Revives all players on the map.
raisemap: 80
// Revives all players on the server.
raise: 80
// Hides a NPC.
hidenpc: 80
// Unhides a NPC.
shownpc: 80
// Loads a Script
loadnpc: 80
// Unloads a NPC
unloadnpc: 80
// Move a NPC
npcmove: 80
// turn skills on for a map
skillon: 80
// turn skills off for a map
skilloff: 80
// Mute a player (prevents talking, usage of skills and commands)
mute: 80
// Unmute a player
unmute: 80